Anxiety disorders are a common problem, affecting approximately 20 million adults and children in America. Anxiety is a common emotion consisting of uncertainty and worry faced by many, whilst anxiety disorders are when such fears are experienced irrationally. There are many treatments available, ranging from medication to therapy and alternative treatments. One treatment is through using natural herbal supplements.
Natural herbs are less costly than medication, and consist of herbs, vitamins and botanicals. They can be taken individually, or with other supplements, but it is best to first consult your doctor before deciding on natural herbs as a treatment for anxiety disorders. They also have the advantage of having no side effects, as compared to medications which can result in side effects such as nausea. Below are some common herbs used in anxiety disorders treatment.
1. Passion Flower
This is a natural plant that is used to treat anxiety, amongst other ailments. Its has unique calming properties, and can also reduce body tremors from fear. It promotes better sleep, and can act as a painkiller. It also contains anti depressants, and is used for high blood pressure and epilepsy.
2. Lavender
This is a more popular alternative than the passion flower, and is also known for its calming properties. It is also one of the more effective treatments for panic attacks, and is a tonic for the nervous system.
3. Lemon Balm
This is used to calm the digestive and nervous system, and also reduces blood pressure. It is uncertain if used alone, lemon balm is effective for treating anxiety attacks. It is usually taken with Valerian, Chamomile or Passion flower.
4. Kava
It is an effective tranquilizer, and whilst it is not an addictive substance, research suggests that it may be linked to liver problems.
5. Valerian
This is another natural plant used for treating anxiety. It also promotes better sleep, allowing for the body to rest and recuperate.
6. Chamomile
Chamomile flower leaves are used to make tea, and is a natural alternative for treating anxiety. It also reduces fever, encourages sleep and enhances the body’s metabolism.
7. Dandelion
The roots and leaves are used to treat the body’s internal systems, and through it, provide relief for some of the symptoms of anxiety. It is commonly used in salads and tea, and can also be used as a substitute for coffee.
There are many natural treatments available, and herbs have been used for treating illnesses for centuries. However, do keep in mind that it is not a quick fix, and can only alleviate the symptoms of anxiety attacks. It is advisable to seek out behavioral or cognitive therapy so as to eliminate the root of the problem causing anxiety attacks.
(from writer Greg Frost )
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Kamis, 04 September 2008
Herbal Pain Remedies
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Senin, 25 Agustus 2008
Penyakit mata akut
Seorang pasien sedang di tes matanya oleh dokter, untuk mengetahui jenis penyakitnya.
Sambil menunjukkan uang Dollar, Dokter berkata:
Dokter: "Gambar apa ini?"
Pasien: "Uang Dollar."
Sambil menunjukkan uang Rupiah, Dokter berkata:
Dokter: "Gambar uang apa ini?"
Pasien: "Uang Rupiah."
Sambil menunjukkan Yen Jepang, Dokter berkata:
Dokter: "Gambar uang apa ini?"
Pasien: "Yen Jepang."
Dokter: "Ya cukup, Anda punya penyakit mata akut."
Pasien: "Penyakit mata apa Dok?"
Dokter: "Mata duitan!!!"
Diposting oleh Admin di 22.57 0 komentar
Penyakit mata akut
Seorang pasien sedang di tes matanya oleh dokter, untuk mengetahui jenis penyakitnya.
Sambil menunjukkan uang Dollar, Dokter berkata:
Dokter: "Gambar apa ini?"
Pasien: "Uang Dollar."
Sambil menunjukkan uang Rupiah, Dokter berkata:
Dokter: "Gambar uang apa ini?"
Pasien: "Uang Rupiah."
Sambil menunjukkan Yen Jepang, Dokter berkata:
Dokter: "Gambar uang apa ini?"
Pasien: "Yen Jepang."
Dokter: "Ya cukup, Anda punya penyakit mata akut."
Pasien: "Penyakit mata apa Dok?"
Dokter: "Mata duitan!!!"
Diposting oleh Admin di 22.57 1 komentar
Merokok di surga
Ini hanya humor tidak bermaksud menyinggung siapapun)
Konon ada seorang kyai yang hobby ngerokok. Tapi karena kasih sayang menghapuskan banyak dosa, maka sang kyai diampuni dosa-dosanya, dan dimasukkan ke surga.
Cuman di surga, pak kyai masih resah. Jadi dia manggil oom malaikat: "Oom Malaikat, kalau di surga saya boleh minta apa aja, saya minta rokok donk."
Malaikat langsung menyediakan rokok berbagai cita rasa. Sang kyai dengan suka cita membuka kemasannya, meraba-raba, menciuminya, mengambil rokok sebatang, lalu ...
"Om Malaikat, apinya gimana?"
Dan kata malaikat, "Apinya ada di neraka."
Pak Kyai langsung beristighfar.
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Sabtu, 09 Agustus 2008
Anaku seorang dokter ....
Bu joko dan pak joko sedang berbincang-bincang mengenai masalah anaknya yang bekerja sebagai dokter.
Bu joko :”Gimana dong anak kita?
Pak joko :”Gimana apanya?
Bu joko :”Masa anak kita jatuh cinta pada pasienya sendiri?.Itu kan ngak baik
Pak joko :”Ya ngak apa bu.Anak kita kan udah dewasa.”
Bu joko :”Looo..Bapak inbi gimana.Anak kita kan dokter hewan.”
Diposting oleh Admin di 06.25 0 komentar
Pada suatu hari andi ingin pergi ke dokter.Ia ingin konsultasi mengenai masalah yang sedang di hadapinya.
Andi :”Dok,kenapa ya dok?.Saya kok pelupa amat.Sampai sampai umur saya saja sampai lupa dok?”
Dokter :”Orang yang pelupa biasanya karena faktor usia.Dan usia Bapak sekarang 80 tahun.Jadi sangat lumrah kalau bapak pelupa.”
Andi :”oooooo.Jadi umur saya sekarang sudah 80 tahun?”
Dokter :”Ya benar.”
Andi :”Kalau begitu berapa ongkosnya?”
Dokter :”Tidak mahal kok.Cuma 50.000.”
Andi :”Baik dok(sambl meraba-raba dopetnya)
Aduh dok.Saya lupa tidak membawa dompet.
Dokter :”%#$%#%^$*%
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